
for a better future

We passionately commit to sustainability to shape a better future. Sustainable actions are our responsibility to meet the needs of today’s generation without restricting the possibilities of future generations. Our vision is to effect positive change and leave a sustainable footprint. Through innovative approaches, we minimize resource waste, avoid waste and pollution. We optimize our operations, reduce energy consumption and emissions. As a locally rooted company, we reinvest in our products and sites, work with local suppliers and promote a working environment that reflects trust, respect and equal opportunity. Sustainability is the path to a livable future.

Three key drivers for
sustainable development

Our principles are based on three key drivers that promote sustainable development: environmental protection, economy, and social values. We are firmly committed to living these principles and making our contribution to a sustainable future.

Circular economy
Design that avoids waste and pollution

  • We develop and produce lightweight and reliable components that help to reduce fuel consumption and waste in flight operations. For this, we rely on recyclable materials.
  • We improve our operations in such a way that energy consumption and emissions are reduced and our natural resources are conserved.
Environmental protection

Local Connection
Rooted locally for generations

  • We have been family-owned since 1953 and reinvest a large part of the profits in our products and in the infrastructure of our company.
  • We are committed to our locations in Fällanden (CH), Sinn-Fleisbach (D) and Everett (USA), strive to work with local suppliers and adhere to our «Code of Conduct».

Social Familiarity
Respectful, attractive and reliable partner

  • We live our values and leadership principles, thus creating trust with customers, employees, and suppliers.
  • We offer attractive jobs, demonstrably pay our employees fair wages, and promote further education and training.
Social values
“Bei allem, was wir tun, berück­sich­tigen wir unsere Auswirkungen auf die Menschen und den Planeten. Und wir hinterfragen uns ständig, wie wir unsere Arbeit noch besser machen können.”
Günter Müllers
Director Sales & Programs Galleys

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